lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013


Adolescent depression is a psychological disorder that affects teenagers. It is a huge issue as it involves parents representing the main cause of suicides around the world.

In order to be able to understand adolescent depression, first and foremost, we must know the causes and then its consequences.
To prevent this social problem, it is imperative for parents to learn the most about it and know how to identify its symptoms.
The purpose of this essay is to inform parents about adolescent depression and to discuss why it is important for parents to learn about it.
To start with, many doctors claim that adolescent depression is triggered by different situations and circumstances. As noted by Edward Bibring (1976), depression can be a response to the normal maturing process in teenagers. This is due to hormonal changes, sex hormone influence and stress experienced at this age. Moreover, a family with a clinic history of depression may put the teenagers at greater risk. However, depression is also a reaction to disturbing events, such as failure, bullying and harassment at school as the environment being another contributing factor affecting teenagers. As a result of genetic factors, the environment, overall health condition, some dramatic events such as the death of beloved relative or friend as well as thought patterns, we can determine that adolescent depression does not have a unique origin.

On the other hand, adolescent depression has serious and tough consequences on teenagers’ lives such as sadness, discouragement, loss of self-worth, anxiety, loss of sleep, appetite and lack of interest in activities to name a few. Adolescents feel alone, misunderstood have the perception that everything is lost and nothing makes sense.
It has been demonstrated that adolescent depression can even trigger suicidal impulses as the individual feels useless and hopeless. An added collateral consequence is the progressive separation from either relatives or friends. Eventually, the consequences play an important role and must seriously be addressed because their effects will impact on a personal, family and social level.

Psychiatrists have claimed that adolescent depression symptoms are varied. The most common in teenagers are: difficulty concentrating, changes in appetite, loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy, sadness, death or suicidal thoughts, insomnia, poor school performance. Additionally, they may experience other symptoms such as permanent tiredness, distancing from their group of friends and alcohol or drugs consumption. This is the reason why parents need to be aware and help their child as soon as possible whenever exposed to this major social and family issue.

In conclusion, adolescent depression is one of the most serious social problems in our society as it is the third leading cause of death among boys and girls from 15 to 24. Experts state that there are over two million adolescents who have been diagnosed with depression. We must keep in mind that adolescent girls are twice more likely to experience depression than boys the same age.
Parents must be on the look out and to be aware in order to identify any symptoms and turn to a specialist as soon as possible to avoid more serious consequences. It is essential for parents to help their children as most teenagers need them when going through depression.

By Marilu Villegas Morales
Juan Raúl Pérez Olmos
Jorge Alberto Mejía Suárez
Edna Eli Sánchez Sánchez


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WEBSIDES: Depresion en Adolescentes. University of Maryland medical center. 20/05/2013 2:20 p.m.

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